Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Nice List Of Boulder CSAs

Lots of folks in this area enjoy participating in Community Supported Agriculture, or CSAs, where you sign up with a farm or other local purveyor for regular allotments of seasonal fare straight from the source.  Today's Daily Camera contains a great list of local ones, occupying the entire back page of the Essentials section (well, the photo of the pumpkin-eating pigs does occupy some of that page's real estate too).  It lists the farm (including non-produce sources like poultry and dairy) with lots of details, including website, phone, offerings, price per type of shares offered (including halfs), alternate pickup places and the like, and includes both organic and non-organic options.   Unfortunately, it looks like you currently have to get this list via today's hard copy newspaper, as I don't find it on the Camera's website, at least not yet.  And remember, if you don't want to go with the challenge (and opportunity) of a regular CSA commitment, we're fortunate to have so many other warmer weather options in the Boulder area, including local farmstands and our Boulder Farmers' Market.

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