Saturday, December 18, 2010

Boulder Whole Foods Goes Upscale

The long-awaited expansion of the Pearl Street Whole Foods store opened today, and it is indeed impressive. Once they finish all the rearranging yet to come, our Boulder store will probably outshine their spectacular store in the Time Warner Center in New York City. The expansion is primarily dedicated to prepared foods, with several specialized stations featuring particular cuisines/food groups (shades of Manhattan's new Eataly?), but I'm more impressed with the vastly expanded bakery and cheese areas. It's also amazing what they were able to accomplish overnight in making the changeover, and it will be fun to see what they do in the future with the now empty areas that were occupied by the deli, cheese, and baked goods in the original section. Exciting times for the store and its shoppers, but believe me, parking is a bear.

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