Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cuisinart Mini-Oven Fun

Good warm, toasty and cozy morning, Boulder. Yesterday's adventure getting the furnace revived was even food-related, as husband's ill-fated upgrading of a kitchen outlet that amazingly knocked out the furnace was inspired by my acquisition of a new countertop appliance, a Cuisinart Oven Central. This little gadget is amazing; it browns, sautes, roasts, steams, bakes, toasts, and who knows what else, all in one little appliance that takes up very little counter space. I've been eyeing quality toaster ovens for years, wanting something that could bake small items like a couple of russet potatoes without heating the whole big oven, but the good toaster ovens all take up too much prime countertop real estate space. This little Cuisinart does more functions than I ever imagined, all with a very small footprint. So its arrival also inadvertently caused a very expensive electrical adventure, oh well. Next time we'll leave outlet upgrades to the professionals.

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