Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Gigantic Shrimp Sale, In Multiple Senses

As previously reported, Whole Foods' one-day sale today includes 16-20 count shrimp from the US for $9.99 a pound. I can now tell you that these are the most gigantic honkin' shrimp I've ever seen. They're also wild caught in the US, and with Whole Foods' policies regarding responsibility and sustainability, that makes $9.99 a pound a most excellent price, a gigantic sale. At the Pearl Street store, you can buy them already defrosting in the case in any quantity your heart desires, and the island freezer case contains them still-frozen in about half pound packages, so you can store them if you don't plan to use them immediately. Also, the nice guy behind the seafood counter offered to bag a couple of pounds that were still frozen for me, so I didn't have to mess with storing and recycling four plastic containers, sweet service. If you really want to think big, the frozen shrimp also come in five pound bags.

And don't forget, Boulder's own fantastic Chocolove chocolate bars are better than half off at only $1 each during this one-day sale, too. I certainly picked up a few.

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