Sunday, March 16, 2014

Angsting Over A CSA

I've been wondering about joining a CSA for several years, but have thought the arrival of unpredictable food wouldn't fit with my cooking habits/lifestyle/psyche. I'm a planner by nature (psychopathic control freak might be the more accurate description) as readers of this blog have probably seen, lining up all my cooking plans then acting on them. So even though I already cook seasonally, the thought of contending with an unpredictable bunch of food arriving each week borders on traumatic for me. But CSAs have become so popular (witness yesterday's CSA fair here in Boulder), I'm increasingly tempted to try it out. Who knows how it might influence my approach to life. Some people look to therapy, mind-altering substances or religion to expand their sense of purpose and self, but my epiphany might just come in a box of unpredictable veggies.

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