Saturday, September 29, 2012

Munson's Corn Update

I was at the Pearl Street Whole Foods yesterday, expecting to catch some Munson Farm sweet corn along with the rest of my purchases, and lo, the store had no Munson's corn.  I asked the produce person, who said, nope, no more Munson's corn (eek, shades of the season ending).  So I trekked out to the Munson stand at 75th and Valmont (usually done happily, but it was a bear on tight time yesterday), only to find that they had no picked corn either.  Per the woman manning (womanning?) the stand, the irrigation ditches were open when our recent (most welcome!) rains came through, and it got so wet, "the raccoons were surfing the ditches."  The corn is still out there, and intrepid types armed with boots went out and picked their own.  They expect to have picked corn back at the stand today, and I'd hope at today's Boulder Farmers' Market as well (8 to 2), but I would have loved to see a raccoon surf a ditch.

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