Sunday, September 18, 2011

Shop, Cook, And Eat Local

The Superior Whole Foods has a fun event coming up for free on Tuesday, in which you get educated in shopping, cooking, and eating locally. (This "eat local" phrase does bug me - a noble concept, but doesn't anyone believe in adverbs anymore?) Here's what they say:

Tuesday, September 20th

Shop, Cook, and Eat Local
6:30pm-8:30pm Free

Join us in the Café for our third and final class for the season. Join Cheryl, Healthy Eating Specialist as we shop for local products, return to the cafe and make two dishes out of our bounty. Please sign up at the Customer Service Counter to reserve your space today. Limited to 15.


  1. Mm, can't wait! :) Will probably be amazing. Have fun if I can't come!

    International Calls to Australia

  2. I unfortunately couldn't make it, but would love to hear from anybody who did!
