Tuesday, October 18, 2011

One-Day Sale at Whole Foods Tomorrow

Our local Whole Foods stores will hold their usual one-day sale for tomorrow only, the 19th. Instead of the usual one or two items, they've sensed I'm on very limited time and are therefore complicating my life by offering five. Here they are, as quickly as I can type. Wild Alaskan true cod $7.99 a pound, Kerrygold spreadable tub butter $3 each (half off), Food Should Taste Good tortilla chips $1.50 each, six inch herb gardens $8.99, Applegate chicken pot pie $1.99. Whew, done.


  1. Ah, the anthropomorphic, psychic abilities of the Whole Foods system....it would be better if they could use those abilities to run a sale on the items you're particularly craving.....

    Thanks for getting the post up even within your time limitations!

  2. Oooh, sale based on one's cravings. Now that would be a new level of personal service!
